Bulgaria extends temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees by a year

Bulgaria’s Cabinet agreed at a meeting on January 25 to extend temporary protection for people displaced by Russia’s war on Ukraine by a year, according to the government information service.

The decision amends a decision first taken on March 10 2022, a few weeks after Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and which has been extended several times since then.

The new decision is to extend temporary protection by a year starting from March 4 2024, in accordance with the decision of the European Commission to extend the temporary protection directive, the government statement said.

According to the Bulgarian government’s dedicated portal on Ukrainian refugees, since the start of Russia’s invasion in 2022, a total of 2 252 814 Ukrainians have entered Bulgaria, and 52 780 remain.

A total of 174 622 have been granted temporary protection by Bulgaria under the EC directive, while 5644 are accommodated through the scheme by which the state subsidises places of accommodation hosting refugees from the war in Ukraine.

(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)

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