Poland prepared for every scenario, including Brexit, officials say

Finance Minister Pawel Szlamacha said that Poland need make no ‘nervous moves’ after a potential Brexit vote thanks to a high level of borrowing needs financing, although the Polish zloty may temporarily depreciate.

The British will vote in favor of or against EU exit in the June 23 referendum

“Further on, financial markets will rather look at fundamentals: on how we are able to realize our program and keep the deficit in check through increasing budget revenues and rationalizing expenditures,” he added.

The high level of financing of borrowing needs, currently at 70 per cent, as well as a 60 billion zloty liquidity cushion, gives Poland comfort in the case of a Brexit vote, Szalamacha said.

For the full story, please visit The Warsaw Voice.

(Photo: Marcin Rolicki/sxc.hu)

