Creditors return to Athens; Eurogroup paves the way for debt relief talks

Following a crucial Eurogroup meeting on Monday, president Jeroen Dijsselbloem said the top negotiators of Greece’s creditor institutions will return to Athens “possibly tomorrow” to complete the first review of the country’s bailout program.

The Eurogroup ministers of finance took stock of progress made by Greece in its reform and spending cuts drive and decided the high-ranking envoys of the quadriga of Greece’s creditors must return to Athens to continue a stalled review.

Finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos confirmed that the heads of the institutions will return to Athens to complete the first program review, following a Eurogroup meeting in Brussels. “The institutions agreed to return. The IMF also agreed to return, despite some differences,” he told journalists, noting that the meeting was “very good”.

“We expect further talks, to complete the first review in time […] I’m sure that when logical people sit around a table, they’ll find a logical solution,” he added.

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