Gazprom vows to meet Poland’s gas delivery demands Friday
Russia’s Gazprom has vowed to restore natural gas deliveries to levels ordered by Poland as of Friday, Polish economy minister Janusz Piechocinski told a news briefing.
“The Russian partner has recently vowed it will provide deliveries in line with orders as of tomorrow,” Piechocinski said on Thursday.
Poland massively increased its delivery demands for natural gas from the east during the current week for which it has claimed that Russian deliveries have fallen short of demand, data from the gas system operator Gaz-System have shown.
Thursday marked the third straight day when Poland’s gas giant PGNiG reported to have received less gas than ordered from Russia’s Gazprom. The company said that shortfall forced a shutdown of re-export to gas-strapped Ukraine and an increase in imports from other directions to compensate the loss.
To read the full story, visit The Warsaw Voice.
(Photo: jarpur/