Sofia in top 10 of world’s cleanest hotels

Bulgaria’s capital city Sofia is in the top 10 of the world’s cleanest hotels, scoring 8.54 out of a possible 10 and ranking fifth, according to specialist website

Based on customer surveys, Tokyo ranked top, followed by Warsaw, Seoul and Bratislava.

Sofia’s hotels ranked better than those in Moscow, Lisbon, Helsinki, Bangkok and Berne, which made up the rest of the top 10.

According to the report, the top 10 – or if you prefer – bottom 10, in the cleanliness stakes of cities’ hotels were Rio de Janeiro, London, Oslo, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Paris, Athens, Sao Paulo, Brussels and Kyiv.

“It should be obvious that clean guest rooms should be the first aim of all hoteliers,” the web portal said, saying that it had analysed the evaluations of its more than six million booking customers as to which cities had spotless hotels “and which leave a great deal to be desired in respect of cleanliness”.

“The cleaning genie is not necessarily present in all hotels,” according to, which in listing the top five best cities in the UK in cleanliness in hotels, named Sheffield, Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds and Edinburgh and said that the five worst cities were Birmingham, London, Leicester, Manchester and Glasgow.

(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)



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