Balkan offensive
Romanian, Bulgarian officials unimpressed as UK newspapers make fun of government brainwave to put off would-be immigrants
Recent weeks have seen Canada launch a billboard campaign in the eastern town of Debrecen, aimed at discouraging the locals (read local Roma) from claiming asylum in the vast and booming North American nation. Now it appears to be the turn of the UK, where many of a certain disposition are trembling at the prospect of a massive influx of Romanian and Bulgarian citizens, who will have full access to EU labour markets as of next year.
It’s rubbish here
Particularly shrill is the anti-immigration think-tank Migration Watch, which issued a report in mid-January asserting that about 250,000 citizens of the Balkan nations are likely to move to Britain in the five years from 2014 when temporary restrictions on unskilled workers are lifted.
To send a further chill down the collective spine of Middle England, the report speaks of the “wild card” of 2.5 million Gypsies in Romania and Bulgaria.
For the full story, please visit The Budapest Times