Opinion: Ukraine – incompetence reigns supreme

Inevitably after a major election and government reshuffle, Ukraine’s counterparts once again start asking themselves, which way Ukraine is going to go. Typically, a geopolitical choice is meant, but if you ask the regular Ukrainians on the street what’s on their mind, it won’t be geopolitics.

Fear of unemployment and economic crisis, economic growth and social security will top the list. And in the Oct. 28 vote, Ukrainians try to elect a political  elite that could bring them that. But this is where the problems start. Ukraine’s political elites are desperately lacking the two essential qualities that are required to meet those expectations: competence and maturity.

Here are some illustrations of what I mean. With great fanfare, the Ukrainian government announced on Nov. 26 that it signed a $1 billion agreement with a Spanish company to build an onshore liquefied natural gas terminal in a bid to decrease Ukraine’s dependence on Russian gas imports.

For the full story, please visit The Kyiv Post

(Photo: Alexander Noskin)

