Istanbul Convention enters into effect in EU on October 1

On October 1, the Istanbul Convention will enter into force for the European Union, the European Commission said.

The Istanbul Convention is a comprehensive legal framework aimed at protecting women against all forms of violence.

It aims to prevent, prosecute and eliminate violence against women and domestic violence, as well as to implement comprehensive and coordinated policies.

The EU as a whole agrees to be bound by the convention and its member states will have to implement measures, the European Commission said.

EC Vice-President for Values ​​and Transparency, Vera Jourová , said: “Violence against women is a censure of our democratic societies.

“One in three women have suffered physical or sexual violence since the age of 15. Too many of them don’t report it. Too many offenders go unpunished,” Jourová said.

“We must act and the Istanbul Convention is our legal response to strengthen women’s rights. We will continue to encourage Member States to take the necessary measures to prevent violence against women and ensure effective protection and support for all victims,” she said.

Helena Dalli , European Commissioner for Equality, said: “The entry into force of the Istanbul Convention is an important step for the EU.

“This gold standard recognizes that violence against women constitutes a violation of their human rights. For us all to live in a fair and just European Union, women and girls must be able to live free from daily insecurity, fear and violence. Today’s historic entry into force is a good step in this direction,” Dalli said.

The Council of the European Union approved on June 1 2023 the EU’s accession to the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention), a statement by the Council of the EU said at the time.

Earlier, on May 10, members of the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly for the European Union’s accession to the Istanbul Convention.

As a result of a homophobic disinformation campaign, EU member state Bulgaria has not ratified the Istanbul Convention.

(Photo: Fabrizio Turco/

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