UK military to transit Bulgaria on way to Nato’s Steadfast Jupiter exercise in Romania
Military personnel and military equipment from the UK armed forces will cross into Bulgaria from Greece at the Kapitan Petko Voivoda border checkpoint, travelling through the country on national roads on September 3 and 4 en route to the Nato multinational exercise Steadfast Jupiter 2023 in Romania, Bulgaria’s Defence Ministry said.
Speaking earlier this year, Brigadier General Mark Cunningham, the Nato Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, highlighted the significant increase in the level of ambition, scale and complexity targeted for Steadfast Jupiter 2023.
“Steadfast Jupiter 2023 will be the largest and most complex undertaking in Nato in recent history and an excellent opportunity for us to test Nato’s responsiveness, command and control, and defence posture in a highly challenging multi-threat environment, based on a simulated Article 5 scenario,” Cunnigham said.
“As always, the JWC is working to make Nato better through the delivery of challenging exercises which train Nato Commands in a compelling and realistic environment,” he said.
According to Nato, Steadfast Jupiter 2023 focuses on collective defence across the whole spectrum of Nato’s 360-degree approach to security.
It is guided by Nato’s two main concepts, the Deterrence and Defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area (DDA) and the Nato Warfighting Capstone Concept.
Although the exercise primarily focuses on the joint operational level, it will be conducted at four levels, including the strategic and operational levels, as well as the tactical and second-tactical levels for both component- and corps-level operations,” Nato said.
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