UNHCR: 4.8m Ukrainian refugees recorded in Europe
At least 4.8 million refugees from Ukraine have been recorded across Europe, including those who first crossed into the neighbouring countries and later moved onward, the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, said on June 9.
The outpouring of solidarity in states receiving refugees remains extraordinary, UNHCR said.
“European Union member states have taken unprecedented measures, rapidly activating the Temporary Protection Directive for the first time, ensuring access to protection and services for refugees from Ukraine. Other European states have extended similar protection schemes,” the agency said.
Of the 4.8 million individual Ukrainian refugees recorded in Europe, 3.2 million have registered for Temporary Protection or similar national protection schemes.
Separately, figures posted on the Bulgarian government’s dedicated information portal on June 9 showed that since the February 24 start of Russia’s current war on Ukraine, a total of 318 994 Ukrainians had entered Bulgaria.
A total of 78 289 remained in Bulgaria, a decrease compared with the previous update, on June 5, which showed a figure of 78 458.
A total of 25 952 Ukrainians who had temporary protection in Bulgaria were accommodated, up from 22 137 on June 5.
Bulgaria had granted temporary protection status to 114 336 Ukrainians, an increase of 1306 compared with the June 5 figure.
The UNHCR has updated its data portal on the Ukraine Refugee Situation, adding new data which better reflects recent movements of refugees from and to Ukraine.
UNHCR said that the Ukraine war had caused one of the largest human displacement crises in the world today.
Millions of refugees have crossed into neighbouring countries, and many more have been displaced inside the country. UNHCR has responded as the situation has evolved and new data became available, the agency said.
The portal now presents the estimated number of individual refugees recorded in 44 countries across Europe as well updates on border crossings from Ukraine since February 24, movements back to Ukraine as well as temporary protection registrations in Europe.
As of June 7, about 7.3 million border crossings have been recorded from Ukraine, with another 2.3 million crossings back into the country, the UNHCR said.
(Illustration: UNHCR)
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