UEFA penalises Bulgarian Football Union over racist behaviour at Bulgaria-England Euro 2020 match
UEFA’s control, ethics and disciplinary body announced on October 29 the penalties it was imposing on the Bulgarian Football Union on charges including racist behaviour in the stadium during the October 14 England-Bulgaria Euro 2020 qualifier, as well as a penalty against the English Football Union for breaches during the match.
The charges against the Bulgarian Football Union included racist behaviour, throwing of objects, disruption of the national anthem, and replays on the giant screen.
The October 14 match, which Bulgaria lost to England six-nil, was a matter of international controversy because a group in the Bulgarian stands in the Vassil Levski national stadium threw Hitler salutes and chanted racist insults.
The UEFA body said that it was ordering the Bulgarian Football Union to play behind closed doors the next two matches that will be played by its A representative team as host association in a UEFA competition, the second of which being suspended during a probationary period of two years as from October 29, for the racist behaviour of its supporters.
It ordered the Bulgarian Football Union to display, at the next two matches for which it will be the host association, a banner with the wording “NO TO RACISM”, with the UEFA logo on it.
The Bulgarian Football Union is being fined 75 000 euro for the racist behaviour of its supporters and the throwing of objects.
The BFU is being fined 10 000 euro for causing disturbance during a national anthem.
The body also resolved to warn the Bulgarian Football Union about the replays on giant screen.
The English Football Association faced charges including disruption of the national anthem, and failing to provide a sufficient number of travelling stewards.
For the disruption to the national anthem, the English FA is being fined 5000 euro, while UEFA said that the charge relating to the insufficient number of travelling stewards will be dealt with by the Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body at its next meeting on November 21, as the English Football Association requested an extension of the deadline to present their defence in this respect.