EU to aid 14 member states, including Bulgaria, to meet waste recycling targets

Bulgaria is among 14 European Union member countries that the European Commission is proposing to assist meeting the 2020 target of 50 per cent waste recycling, the Commission said on September 24.

The 14 EU states are at risk of missing the 2020 target, the Commission said.

Recent estimates by the World Bank point to an increase of annual waste generation from 2.01 billion tonnes in 2016 to 3.40 billion tonnes in 2050, the statement said.

“While in Europe waste management and recycling have been improving, one thing is clear: status quo is not an option and more needs to be done.”

In its latest review of how European waste management and recycling rules are applied across Europe, published on September 14, the Commission said that in spite of continuous progress in EU countries, there are “serious gaps that must be addressed swiftly so that Europeans are able to reap the environmental and economic benefits of the circular economy”.

Apart from Bulgaria, the member states identified as at risk of missing the target are Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

“These countries need to do more so that their populations and their economies can benefit from the circular economy,” the Commission said.

“That is why the Commission presents blueprints for actionto ensure that those countries act to comply with EU waste legislation.”

Waste legislation forms the core of Europe’s transition to the Circular Economy strategy proposed by the Juncker Commission, and is an opportunity for growth, jobs and improving resource efficiency.

European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, said: “With the EU waste rules recently adopted by the European Parliament and by the Council of Ministers, Europe can become the global front-runner for modern waste management and further develop its circular economy.

“There are still differences across Europe, but progress is necessary and possible if the respective national and local authorities implement the actions identified in this report. The Commission is there to help by offering technical assistance, structural fund support and support in the exchange of best practices.”

The Commission said that in a follow-up to this report, it would undertake visits to the member states at risk of not meeting the 2020 municipal waste targets, “to discuss the opportunities and challenges with the national, regional and local authorities and the relevant stakeholders.”

(Photo: Via maxpixel)



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