Greek PM Tsipras: Gloomy economic forecasts proved wrong

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Tuesday that gloomy predictions about the future of the Greek economy are being proved wrong.

Tsipras chaired a meeting with ministers to discuss the course of the economy during which, according to sources, he touched upon signals that the situation is gradually improving as unemployment figures drop and tax collection targets are being met.

Deputy PM Yannis Dragasakis, Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and deputy Finance Ministers, Tryfon Alexiadis and Giorgos Chouliarakis attended the meeting.

The premier told ministers to speed up the tabling of key reforms in parliament and draft bills Tsipras himself pledged at the Thessaloniki International Fair last month. These include provisions to promote the use of debit cards and settling social security debts for the self-employed.

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(Photo of Tsipras:  EC Audiovisual Service/Angelos Tzortzinis)

