Jonathan Mills’s three Points to Ponder
Points to Ponder:
We hear a lot these days about how a person is “proud to be [insert nationality]”, but who has a greater right to make this claim?
The new citizen who has freely and personally made the decision to relocate to a different country, believes that nation is better, works, raise their family, integrate and contribute to their chosen nation, and then taken the huge and very personal step to become a citizen.
A person whose place of birth was a matter of chance, and a child of people also born there by chance.
Why do individuals proclaim themselves “patriots”? This is a term similar to “Hero” or “Great”. It is something only said of others and should never be said of oneself.
After all we do not go round saying “I am a hero”. (Unless we have done something terrible and need to find a justification for the act).
Who or what is an ‘Indigenous Brit’?
The British Isles have been invaded and colonised by many over the centuries.
The Romans with soldiers from all over the empire; the Scandinavians, the Danes, the Germanic Saxons, the Normans, and then of course those from our own past empire. So when people talk about “the indigenous population” who are they actually talking about?
Why do many regard themselves as ‘white’?
Hair may be blonde, black, brown, red; eyes could be brown, blue, green, hazel; skin is pinkish; lips are reddish; and they call everyone else “coloured”!
Points to Ponder 2
Do people really believe that wars are started by sensible people, making sensible decisions, for sensible reasons?
Waging “aggressive war” is a war crime. Is there such a thing as a non-aggressive war?
Would it be a good idea to form a ‘Government Battlefield Spearhead Regiment’, comprised of MPs and Government Ministers who vote to instigate military action?
On a lighter note – Alexander Dumas – The Three Musketeers. Why are there four of them and why do they not have muskets?
Points to Ponder 3
Why do we not celebrate the miracle of the Bulgarian Socialist Party? In April 1990 they went to bed as true and loyal members of the Bulgarian Communist Party with a belief in the one party state; central control of the people and the economy; and an absolute belief that all who oppose them are criminals. They woke the next morning as true and loyal democrats with an unwavering belief in multi-party government; free market economy; individual rights for the citizen; and a demand for amnesty for all regarding past political crimes. One of these miraculous individuals was even elected as President, twice. For this to happen, simultaneously, to so many people, must be recognised as a real and genuine modern-day miracle.
(Photo: Christopher Bruno/