Cabinet approves donation of 1000 beds for refugee accommodation

Bulgaria’s cabinet approved on November 13 the transfer of 1000 beds from the state reserve, intended for emergency use in hospitals, to accommodation for refugees.

The cabinet also approved a proposal that it will table in parliament to amend the Asylum and Refugees Act to transpose a European Union directive on standards for the qualification of third country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of beneficiaries of international protection, a single standard for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection and the content of the protection granted.

The main objective of the directive is to harmonise the rules for granting international protection in accordance with the general policy on asylum, a cabinet statement said.

The deadline for the transposition of the directive was July 2015 but Bulgaria was taking steps to do so earlier because of the “disproportionate migratory pressure it has been facing at the moment,” the statement said.



The Sofia Globe staff

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